Friday, November 30, 2012

Budget 2013

I had hoped that this budget would be one of revitalization of our organization based upon the Russell Farmer Organizational Report ‘Pursuit of Excellence’.
That is not to be.
The 87 recommendations of the organizational wide review are not being released until the new Commissioner does a detailed analysis of the recommendations, and works with Council to select and prioritize the recommendations that ‘fit’ with our community’s immediate and long term needs.
Until then Council needed to deal with the budget put before overall ask of 4.9% tax rate increase that contained some ambitious capital and planning projects as well as programs.
Council pared that budget down to 2.6 %. Why not more? Why not less?
It’s a balance of maintaining services; trying to maintain user fees at reasonable levels while trying to absorb the increasing costs that are passed on from utility providers; and maintaining the right mix of capital projects that support our community’s quality of life objectives.
Capital plans included: 
·      $ .25 mill to plan a new fire hall (AIMP grant funded)*
·      $ 1 mill for modernization of another fire station(MSI)*
·      $ 2 mill for old County Hall renovations (MSI)*
·      $ 2.6 mill to fund Emerald Hills aquatic/wellness centre (surplus)
·      $ 1.3 mill to build a specialized fire training centre
·      1.74 mill for the Spray Park (surplus)
·      $ .75 mill to build a parking lot adjacent to turf field and ABJ (surplus)
The new fire hall planning, modernizations of the existing firehall and County Hall renovations were deferred*. I have seen this organization, its enthusiasm, take on more than it can handle. I have seen building project after project delayed, in part due to lack of internal resources. I believe that delay of these projects will free up valuable human and material resources to focus our energies and dollars more tightly and efficiently on community projects and places that contribute to health and wellness.
While there were many excellent projects brought forward; this budget needed to support our community’s social capital: projects and programs that focus on health, wellness and universal accessibility.
 I say: let’s emulate an athlete:  take a breather, bulk up for our endurance race to come....the implementation of the organizational review recommendations.
Some major business initiatives that are approved to proceed are:
·      Safety, inspection and fire prevention program
·      Risk mitigation in rural neighbourhoods
·      Open date portal and Civic Reporter program
·      Support program for children experiencing violence
·      Youth intervention program
·      RCMP extended front counter service
·      Specialized transit Service Restructure
Strathcona County Council has a mix of places to draw from at budget time. There is MSI (provincial municipal infrastructure funding); reserves; surplus (this year amounting to approximately 9.4 million); and debt financing.
Council has to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of how and where to use these funding sources. Sometimes using debt for long term large community projects contributes to the right formula to amortize the construction to create fair intergenerational equity. Utilizing our surplus has been something Council has been advised against drawing on for other than ‘one time more capital oriented projects’.
This year, Council utilized over a 2.66 million dollars from that surplus toward funding the budget. I believe that it behooves any private or public business to ensure that there is a prudent use of surpluses and reserves, but I do think the time has come to review Council’s policy and philosophy on utilizing surpluses toward tax and debt reduction, as requested by the county’s Chamber of Commerce. Council passed a motion to review the surplus policy at the end of budget session.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pursuit of Excellence November 2012

Throughout my career in planning and executing major events and building community I have recognized the need for operating businesses in a cost effective manner. Governments are no different. They are in the business of delivering services to their customers, we the residents. Quality and customer service have to be key to everything we do.

Governments at all levels have one major difference from business. Governments have a ‘never ending’ source of funds. They are not ‘bottom line’. Product sales and revenues don’t direct government course of action and their very existence. Because governments operate on taxpayers dollars they sometimes remind me of a snowball rolling down a hill, ever increasing in size.

Sometimes they lose sight of why they exist. Governments exist to represent and serve the residents. Tax payers’ dollars need to be used wisely and with foresight. Our employees need to all buy in to the need to be cost effective in the way we operate. Our residents are our customers. Do we truly understand that it is our residents who pay the bills and our salaries?

That was the thinking behind my initial lobbying of Council back in 2008. I wanted to go far beyond the existing departmental reviews to look at efficiencies and working smarter across the entire organization.

The major concern I have from this report is that it does not focus with razor precision on organizational efficiencies with the outcome of a high quality of customer service. Instead, the report released notes: “The review was focused on organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction”. Despite this, there are great potential customer service solutions coming out of their in-depth analysis of our ineffective resident inquiry and complaint management systems and greater utilization of communication technology.

It is no secret that I wanted this report released in May. The summary report released a week ago falls far short of a comprehensive outline of the steps necessary to create those potential savings and future efficiencies that I believe are possible. 

The 87 recommendations are being kept ‘under wraps’ until the new Commissioner, Rob Coon, has an opportunity to acclimatize himself to our municipal organization, do a detailed analysis of the recommendations, and work with Council to select and prioritize the recommendations that ‘fit’ with our community's immediate and long term needs. The recommendations adopted, and applied will draw on the energies and require professional application on the part of administration and Council for the next two years.

On the bright side, several Departments have taken the initiative to implement some of the obvious recommendations. A budgeting review and financial assessment is underway. The Emergency Services Department has completed a 20 year visionary master plan that is a great tool for strategic resource and budget planning. Council has developed a draft mission and strategic plan that could provide the platform for the future if prioritized in a manner that responds to the needs of our specialized municipality.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Council Meeting Highlights - Nov. 21, 2012

Council approved a number of reports from administration. Information onall of the background reports and minutes

To get the full flavour of how decisions are made view the council webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to the specific agenda items.

Driver Feedback Sign Program Expands
Three years ago, in response to our residents traffic frustrations, I launched a new initiative for safe driving by requesting Council Priority funds to purchase five Driver Feedback signs. These electronic signs were used on a rotational basis throughout five urban wards. Data was collected to assist in planning for other traffic initiatives. Administration deemed the pilot a success.

As a result of this, Council has decided to expand the program to include rural areas. If approved in one month’s time, this program will see the addition of 8 new mobile trailer units that will be used throughout Strathcona County. The mobility of the signs offers a distinct advantage in not requiring a steel streetlight pole to strap the signs to. They are easier and less costly to set up. I raised the caution that it is important that that current utilization of the electronic signs not decrease in existing neighbourhoods as residents see the benefits of increased safety that these signs provide. As well as the educational component, Council was told that the RCMP traffic officers do initiate enforcement programs in these areas.

Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Amendment Passes First Reading
The MDP was brought forward to a Public Hearing with no negative public comment and received first reading approval by Council.

This amendment of the 2007 MDP was necessary to conform with and responsible to implement the direction outlined in the Capital Region Growth Plan. The 24 municipalities in the Capital Region are all responsible for providing and utilizing regional infrastructure; ensuring that industrial buffering protects residential needs; and accurately reflect the Region’s Growth Plan direction.

The proposed MDP now goes to the Capital Region Board for an approval before returning to Council.

Art Gallery Operational Guidelines
Administration brought forward a much more inclusive version of the Art Gallery Operating Guidelines that had input from members of the public and the Arts and Culture Council.
An increased focus on local artists was announced. More diversity of exhibits can be expected with various visual art mediums from conventional framed art to fibre and pottery.

The exhibit selection process has been modified to include an ad hoc committee of representatives from, for example, FCSS, educators and the Arts and Culture Council. While the document may not have been specific enough about the commitment to engage our public, administration assures us that the intent is there.

Given these positive changes, the program and exhibits should better reflect the rich culture of our community.

Municipal Survey of Historic Sites
Council accepted a report on the continuing work of administration toward strengthening the cultural and historic base of our County. Through several rural open houses, community events and connecting with our pioneer families, administration identified 116 sites of historic significance to our community. The newly formed Heritage Advisory Committee will assist in the evaluation of the first 54 of these sites in 2013. The cost of this project is $60,000 – half of which is funded through a provincial heritage grant. I look forward to working with the Heritage Advisory Committee to support the preservation and celebration of Strathcona County’s culture and history.

E News Bulletin
 In addition to my website  I send out an E News Bulletin four times a month to residents. It is an opportunity for me to inform you of events and matters of interest to your family and neighbours in a timely manner. These electronic news flashes also help me to get your input and touch base with you. You are welcome to sign up at  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Nov. 6, 2012 Council Meeting Highlights

Council approved a variety of reports from departments. Information on allof the background reports and minutes.

To get the full flavour of how decisions are made tune into the webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to the specific agenda items.

Taxi Bylaw
Council heard reports from both the Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee (EDTAC) and the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) supporting the need for regulation of taxi cabs to increase public safety. ACC requested that a percentage of taxi cabs be wheelchair accessible.

Cultural Services Policy and Art Gallery Operational Guidelines
Administration is reviewing guidelines and communication protocol. They are looking at bench marking our gallery to other publicly operated galleries with a report due at month end. The focus is on how art work is chosen: practise of selection and how art exhibits are selected. 

I had introduced a program request to broaden the scope of the review to create greater public input and a more influential role of the Arts and Culture Council. I see advantages to having a public body involved in a significant way. It gives us an opportunity to champion local artists and artisans, reflect community values and see greater diversity of art forms and mediums. While Council has turned this down this initiative, I hope that the public and our stakeholders will eventually have input into this process.

Strathcona County Emergency Services Master Plan
The newly created twenty year master plan provides strategic recommendations and focuses on human resources, programs, infrastructure and equipment. About 85% of the Emergency Services budget distributed is on personnel, the remainder on operations. The recommendations include the building of a seventh fire station in the next few years to handle the new hospital and increased population in new areas of Emerald Hills and Cambrian. Having this master plan is a boon for more strategic resource and budget planning. The report is an interesting read

New Transit Terminal Update
Bethal terminal is one of the largest projects going on in Strathcona County right now. Strathcona County won the competitive provincial Green Trip grant of 13.6 million. The design is complete and tendering will occur this month. A critical piece of road is nearing completion. While budget is on target the timeline is not. It seems that scope changes, site drainage complexity and staff changes are all taking their toll as administration are advising that the opening could be delayed by as much as four months, from September to December 2013. Currently, the temporary satellite Park and Rides are well within their capacity limits.

Josephburg Community Recreation Master Plan
Council approved the Recreation Master Plan that local and surrounding residents have participated in over the past year. Through the open house process, citizens asked for various types of recreation infrastructure: trails, open space for spontaneous play, gym retrofits, entrance features and plantings, outdoor older adult fitness equipment, community gardens, upgrades on Moyer Recreation Centre and community gathering space.

Phase one will involve a revitalization of existing infrastructure and the plan will be implemented through the annual budget process. Implementation of all elements in the themes of Trails, Sports, Specialty Areas and Community Gardening will require short term funding of 368,000 and up to 1.6 million in the long term – all subject to budget approvals.
There is still some reclamation to do on a small part of the land sited for recreational use in the future. In 2013, Josephburg residents can expect to be asked to participate in a community hall study that examines long term usage, function and community needs.

E News Bulletin
I send out an E News Bulletin four times a month to residents. It is an opportunity for me to inform you of events and matters of interest to your family and neighbours in a timely manner. These electronic news flashes also help me to get your input and touch base with you. You are welcome to sign up at

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Glen Allan Citizens Circle Redevelopment and Infill

Twenty seven Glen Allan residents met this week at the Glen Allan Recreation Centre in a lively discussion redevelopment and infill. The majority of attendees had lived in Glen Allan for more than 25 years. Market affordable homes, walkability, nearby services combined with maintaining the existing character and diversity of their community - all rated high. Traffic and parking issues were seen as challenges. There was vigorous consensus for preserving all green spaces: parks and shared paths.

Chris Greidanus, local community leader, kept the group focused, basing the discussion on the Strathcona Planning Departments Mature Neighbourhood Strategy. I attended as resident and Councillor. This initiative started with a mid October panel of community leaders and developers presenting to the public at the Community Centre. The project is a collaborative effort of civic builders, managers and residents on looking at how redevelopment and infill ‘fits’ in the older neighbourhoods. A questionnaire has been produced ( to help guide conversations of Citizen Circles that are forming throughout the 11 older neighbourhoods in Sherwood Park. I hope that this will expand to include the rural and more recent neighbourhoods.

Resident Wilf said “the group was pretty vocal and didn't hold back too much. The main concern was the changes that fill-in might create”. Wilf went on to say that “the table I was seated at was primarily against any dramatic zoning changes in Glen Allan and I think that message was perhaps one of the loudest and strongest that came out of the meeting. There was some discussion about the possibility of edge in-fill or fill-in example being the east side of Georgian Way behind Horizon Village. Would we baulk at that being redeveloped into more Senior type bungalows, and/or affordable first timers' lower cost housing? This idea of EDGE FILL-IN was chewed on and no specific common answer was accomplished.”

Wilf’s comments reflect many opinions around the room. Residents realize that a specific type of increased density housing is a desirable thing but only if it augments their own neighbourhood values of a safe community whose residents know each other and have a pride in ownership. This housing would have to offer a positive addition to their neighbourhood in character and visual aspect.  Long time residents and newcomers alike said they valued generational diversity. They value a neighbourhood with a balance of new families, young children and seniors. Many want to down size or renovate so they can remain in place. There was also consensus on welcoming nearby local business that offered services and products – in keeping with the neighbourhood. Residents welcome appropriately sized home business.

There was considerable discussion on the need to manage increased parking and traffic in these areas where streets were designed long ago to meet different needs of the original neighbourhood. Citizens also expressed concerns over the barriers to renovation and revitalization. Why does home owner improvement trigger immediate reassessment? Renovations are costly enough without adding increased taxes. Residents suggested that the county offer incentives to improve homes and thus revitalize neighbourhoods.

Many municipalities across Canada are looking at revitalization of older neighbourhoods. Some cities have found some innovative solutions. I look forward to more resident input and research on renewing our neighbourhoods while retaining the great quality of life they have. The key to success in revitalization will be grassroots resident participation and direction. This is, after all, the place we choose to live and bring up our families. 

Results of the Glen Allan Citizens Circle opinions will be posted on  and my elected official’s page on 

Where to from here?
Phase 1 from October to mid December is the ‘big listen’ County planners are looking to residents to meet in Citizen Circles to discuss what they want their neighbourhoods to look like for their grandchildren. Flyers will be sent out to all residents located in the Mature Neighbourhoods notifying them of the drop-in citizen circles. Below is a link to the County's website that provides all the information on the Mature Neighbourhood Strategy as well as dates, times and locations of input sessions. 

Businesses are included in the process. Planners and managers are meeting in a cross departmental effort to brainstorm: identifying issues and innovative solutions. In January, all stakeholders will be brought together for an interchange of ideas on January 24th at 1 to 8 pm in the Community Centre.
Phase 2 Planners, having listened, will develop strategies to integrate redevelopment and infill into mature neighbourhoods.

Phase 3 Summer 2013, 2014 and beyond is targeted as the implementation phase. Once the county has an understanding of what stakeholders are thinking about their neighbourhoods they we can develop a strategy of what needs to be done and how to go about it. This will include a proposal of what research and planning activities need to occur and which of them are priorities.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Council Highlights Oct. 9, 2012

To get the ‘skinny’ on why your Councillor voted the way she did, tune into the webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to the specific agenda items.

Councillor Business Expense Policy
It is time for all elected officials to show that they are walking the talk when they spend tax payers dollars. A long overdue review of staff and elected officials expense records is intended to provide increased detail in accommodation, meal and hospitality expenses. This will include online posting of expenses in support of greater accountability and transparency. Councillor Riddell has introduced a program request that will see Administration will bring forward a review of policies GOV 001 026 and HUM 026 to bring municipal elected officials’  and staff business expenses in alignment with the new provincial  disclosure guidelines first quarter of 2013.
At this time I expect a robust discussion on the merits (and not) of using taxpayer dollars to pay for liquor bills. I look also to see an immediate posting of expenses back to the start of this political term.

Strathcona County Boards and Committees Bylaw 51-2012
Council approved this bylaw with few changes. My amendment to appoint an alternate Councillor to every committee that has one or more Councillors was accepted.
Two other amendments that would have increased the effectiveness and public accountability of Public Advisory Committees were not accepted by council.
Members of public advisory committees have expressed concern in the past about the influence that both staff and elected officials have on those committees. Both staff and Councillors support the public body. While they bring context, background and the function of reporting back to Administration and Council, having either staff or elected officials in the chair or vice chair position causes imbalance. Authority can now outweigh and influence public members.

The same can be said for the privilege of voting on those committees. Do we want the public’s perspective and wisdom to be presented in its pure form as recommendations to Council or do we accept direction that is influenced by administration and Council to be regurgitated and funneled back to Council? Imagine the proposed Finance committee with three elected officials and three members of the public – how is that not a perfect opportunity for three elected officials to bring forward their own agenda, snow or out vote public members and so present their own views to Council in the guise of it being a ‘public’ advisory board recommendation? We actually have provision in the bylaw that states that administrative representatives shall not be a member of a Committee or have voting privileges. We just have not taken it far enough.

I want the opinions and insight from the public to come forward to Council, to balance the information from administration and our own elected officials’ comments. That can only improve current decision making.

Brand Launch
Council allocated 600,000 last budget year to phase in the brand change for Strathcona County. Municipalities generally take from 3 to 5 years to complete a change over in a fiscally responsible manner. To date the brand identity has been unveiled on the intra and internet, rebranding of 20 buses, 20 zambonis, 90 vehicles are nearing completion. As new projects come on line they will take on the new identity as a matter of course.

E News Bulletin
I send out an E News Bulletin three times monthly to residents. It is an opportunity for me to inform you of community events and matters of interest to your family and neighbours and keep in touch you. You are welcome to sign up at

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Council Meeting Highlights, Sept. 25, 2012

Information on all of the background reports and minutes 

To get the full flavour of how decisions are made tune into the webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to the specific agenda items.

Council Priorities
Council continues to debate the pros and cons of creating (a) Finance Committee(s). Terms of reference brought to this meeting for approval would see a Committee of six: the Mayor, an urban Councillor, a rural Councillor, and three public members with financial training and expertise (including auditing, financial statements, budgeting and policies).
Committees of this type have operated with varying types of success throughout the province. Of the 13 identified in the best practices search, all but three have separate committees to focus on finance (financial policies, internal controls, annual performance of investments); audit and financial reporting; budget and business planning.

Each of these areas are broad and will greatly tax the ability of a combined committee to ‘get the job done’ for our public and Council. It is an effort to create an ‘all things to all people solution’. Separate, focused committees could provide valuable insight and background reports to Council as they deliberate budget and financial matters.

A motion of postponement was passed that will to allow for the results of the nearly finalized 4 E Review of the finance department to come forward in December. The timing is appropriate, as this committee will not be able to impact the already formulated 2013 budget.
A survey as to whether the public should sit on this committee is on     

Sign Bylaws
Council has set the date for a Public Hearing regarding Sign Regulations for Oct.9, 2012. This will deal specifically with show home signage. The Planning Department has been working with the Canadian Home Builders Association, the Urban Development Institute, the Transportation Department and Communications to come up with a balanced solution that will minimize the show home sign proliferation while still making way finding easy for new home buyers. The issue has been one that has been before Council under the Sign Bylaws many times in the past five years, I look to some resolution for our businesses at this meeting.

Mature Neighbourhood Strategy
The Planning Department are leading public engagement sessions to look at infill and development of older neighbourhoods. This process will involve lengthy public engagement and I will keep you posted.

Strathcona County Emergency Services (SCES) Semi Annual Report
The transition of most of the EMS dispatch contracts to Alberta Health Services has resulted in significant decreased dispatch volume, and as a result, SCES had eliminated 2 jobs and decreased part time hours. The centre now handles 911 for 43 municipalities, dispatches fire for 30 municipalities and dispatches EMS for 2 municipalities. 

SCES has had a significant decrease in fire alarms to last year. Our ambulance call volume continues to increase with a 9.6% increase over the first half of last year. Our ambulances are still getting to 94% of the calls in our County but the rapid growth of inter-facility transfers is concerning. More stats are on the link above.

Councillor Inquiries
Under this agenda area, I submitted a Program Request regarding the Art Gallery. Administration will bring back it’s comments on the details of a model that would result in the public picking the exhibits that go in their gallery.

E News Bulletin
I send out an E News Bulletin three times monthly to residents. It is an opportunity for me to inform you of community events and matters of interest to your family and neighbours and keep in touch you. You are welcome to sign up at    

Monday, September 24, 2012

My Freedom of Expression

‘Art for art sake’ ‘Freedom of expression’ – all the right words that express our support for people and artists worldwide. I have been to exhibits that challenged me ethically and politically. However, a few days ago I went to an exhibit that offended me. 

I was personally repulsed by a ‘satirical cartoon’ that appeared at the Strathcona County Art Gallery @501 that under the guise of slamming the oil industry depicted the beating up of a woman - all in glorious colour graphics. Another piece of art used sexual innuendo to slur our Premier and Prime Minister. This does not reflect the values of myself, my friends or neighbours.

Is this type of art of value as a way to initiate a thought provoking discussion on violence in our society? Sadly, the pulling of any art piece will provide media attention that will please the artist and all who benefit from the sale of this type of product. 

As a member of this community I pay for the gallery. This is the second exhibit that has displayed sexually explicit material that our community members have found offensive. Where are the regulations and direction? Why don’t we have a policy that more correctly aligns with our community values? 

This is not what I expect when I go into a facility that my taxes pay for. If it had been in a private room in a private gallery I would have sadly shaken my head and turned and walked away – because, I am only one and must respect ‘freedom of expression’.

So, that’s how I feel as a resident and taxpayer. As a Councillor, I will express my concerns again and again and demand a policy change that more accurately reflects this community’s values and beliefs. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Council Meeting Highlights Sept. 11, 2012

In order to review the full agenda, reports and Council decisions, I ask you to go to the following link: Information on all of the background reports and minutes.
To get the full flavour of how decisions are made tune into the webcast. The webcast is timed and titled so that you can refer immediately to the specific agenda items.

RCMP & Enforcement Services January to June Statistical Report
The 56% increase in traffic enforcement has had an impact in helping to reduce collisions involving injuries by over 20%.

Drug abuse is perhaps society’s greatest problem. Drug enforcement related to drug trafficking is still on the rise, up 78% midyear. Break and Enters have also increased by 39% (from 124 to 172 in the first six months of the year).

As of this July the new RCMP Family Violence Unit has been operating in Strathcona County, working closely with Family and Community Services and other local agencies. Thirty nine files have been opened with over half of elder abuse investigations involving fraud, credit card scams, and cyber crime. Complete report.

Social Services Grants Policy
This policy ensures the distribution of over two hundred thousand dollars of grant funding annually. From 1993 to 1999 an average of 14 groups applied annually. Applications have decreased somewhat. In 2000 to 2006 an average of 10 groups applied annually. Groups such as these represent valid community needs and are supported by hundreds of volunteers.

I support the policy’s focus on sustainable practice including long range planning, sound financial planning and accountability but found the policy detail, clarity and definition lacking. I also have a concern over the decrease of categories under which groups can apply. 

My overarching concern is that neither stakeholders nor the Advisory Committee actually reviewed this policy. Instead they gave out of context reaction to an application form and time line. Input and engagement from appropriate sectors and groups is, in my mind necessary for Council to be able to do due diligence when asked to approve significant changes to a social policy. These non profits support our community, leveraging volunteer hours and corporate support to create value far exceeding the municipal dollars they get.

Administration, in the Council meeting, refused to consider public engagement from involved groups. I believe that affected groups must be apprised of these changes and invited to comment. A great deal of work does need to be done. The stakeholders do need to be engaged. When this policy comes back to Council, I expect to see a much more holistic approach that would include a lot more input from our valued community organizations and a backgrounder from the Advisory Committee on the policy itself, in a holistic approach.  

Wye Road Functional Study - Report
The 2006 council approved Wye Road Functional Plan ground to a halt in 2007/2008 when business owners in the area brought forward concerns of accessibility to long time existing businesses. They objected to plans for a jug handle and road accesses restrictions.
With planners forecasting up to 40% increase in traffic (from 1995 to 2014), traffic flow needs to be addressed with light synchronization and other improvements.

This month, the Strathcona planning department and Al-Tera and Stantec will re-engage the business community in Wye Gardens, Wye Commercial, Wye Crossing and Sherwood Centre to develop a strategy that ensures convenient access and egress to businesses, while creating better flow for the increased traffic volumes at Sherwood Drive intersection.

Councillor Inquiries
Under this agenda section, I asked to have administration to update Council on the accountability process on spending that administration is putting into place for Priority Funds; look into the residents’ concerns being brought forward on secondary suites; and a report on the pet regulations on ‘over the limit’ numbers allowed in urban areas. 

E News Bulletin
I send out an E News Bulletin three times monthly to residents. It is an opportunity for me to inform you of community events and matters of interest to your family and neighbours and keep in touch you. You are welcome to sign up at